December 9-10, 2013 Business Meeting Agenda

December Business Meeting Agenda
El Tropicano Riverwalk Hotel
Romeo & Julieta Ballroom, 3rd Floor
110 Lexington Avenue
San Antonio, TX 78205
Open to the Public

Day 1: Monday, 9 December 2013

8:30-8:45            Welcome, Member Introductions

8:45-9:45            Installation Visit After Action Review
                     (WWR HQ, CBWTU UT, JFHQ UT, Fort Hood, TX WTB Installation visits)

9:45-10:00           Break

10:00-11:00          San Antonio Military Health System Briefing
                     MG Jimmie Keenan, USA
                     Maj Gen Byron Hepburn, USAF 
                     Col Michael Higgins, USAF

11:00-12:00          DoD and VA Formal and Informal Agreements
                     Mr. Alex Barberena and Mr. Mark Goldstein
12:00-1:00           Break for Lunch 

1:00-2:00            Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of Excellence (EACE)
                     Mr. John Shero and Dr. Billie Randolph

2:00-2:15            Break

2:15-3:15            Hearing Center of Excellence (HCE)
                     Col Mark Packer, USAF

3:15-3:30            Break

3:30-4:30            Humana’s Military Warrior Navigation and Assistance Program (WNAP) Briefing
                     Ms. Carmen Deleon-Dingman

4:30-4:45            Wrap Up 

Day 2: Tuesday, 10 December 2013

8:30-8:45            Welcome / Public Forum
                     Paul Rieker
                     Joseph Zumwalt

8:45-10:00           Air Force Wounded Warrior & Survivor Care Program
                     Col Thomas Matschek, USAF
                     Col Lori LaVezzi, USAF
                     Randy Tillery

10:00-10:15          Break

10:15-11:15          Air Force FPEB Performance
                     Mr. Calvin Ishee and Lt Col Joseph Villacis, USAF

11:15-12:15          BAMC WTB Leadership 
                     LTC Eric Edwards, USA

12:15-1:00           Lunch

1:00-2:00            San Antonio Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center
                     Dr. Elizabeth Halmai

2:00-2:15            Break

2:15-3:15            Air Force Patient Squadron Briefing
                     Maj John DaLomba, USAF

3:15-3:30            Break

3:30-5:00            Panel of Recovering Warriors in Service or Veterans

5:00-5:15            Wrap Up


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